

Un peu plus haut





Spiritueux de base

Présentation / Histoire

Soumission cocktail par Christ Desjardins pour le Margarita challenge 2024 organisé par Cointreau.

‘‘Un peu plus haut’’
My inspiration for this cocktail has been trough a long journey. There is so much to say about Montreal and Quebec that I didn’t knew where to start. So, at the end I went for a melting pot of everything. I wanted to reflect our culinary tradition, our exceptional flora and fauna, what this land exceptionally offer to all the generation that lived here. The name of my cocktail is inspired by our musical scene and particularly an event that occur in 2008. Even if its personally not my cup of tea, three of our greatest artists of all time, Ginette Reno, Celine Dion and Jean-Pierre Ferland joined together on stage to sign together. I still remember as a kid how I felt when I seen the emotions of my grand-ma watching this magnificent event. Unfortunately, the French is a language that is declining in north America and I personally believe, well I wish, that our heritage would be passed on with this rich musical heritage.

To honor our forest
Canada is well known for his boreal forest the reason why I introduce the pine tree. Which I ground to dust in order to blend with my salt.
In order to bring a touch of freshness in my cocktail, I used Mentha canadensis, the only mint native to North America.
I had the pleasure in the past few years to meet with people that were so passionate about going for a walk in the forest to pick up some herbs, mushroom and other unique things that only grown in year. I felt that it brings me back to my roots and open my eyes to the beautiful things the nature can create. Following some spirits masterclass, I have been introduced to a boreal spice ‘’poivre des dunes’’ which I was really curiously enthusiast to try. It has been a real challenge to find but so glad to incorporate it in this cocktail for his rich flavor and aromatic. I used it to infuse my juice (acid).
Even if there no real boreal forest in Montréal, it is such an important element of our surrounding. Its in the air. I can’t go talking about my town with having that aspect onboard.


To honor the Terroir
Quebec is known over the world for his production of maple syrup. There was no way that I would not include it into my cocktail. I used it with two ingredients. In the recent year, I have seen a new local spirit making his place on the market. Which is the Acerum that I personally didn’t knew the existence one year ago from today. I also include real maple sirop that I blend with camerisse juice then clarified for my garnish. Together, they represent the past and the new era of an industry that is proudly made here.

To honor the ground
Any body that ever-visited Montréal knows that our favorite fruit is Blueberry. It is a fruit that is native from north America. However, I choose to go with a variation that had been introduce in Quebec in 2008. Very similar on the aspect and the flavor, it was to perfect choice to use as my acid. Using this version 2.0 of the blueberry portrait the innovation of Montreal. My town is known as the ‘’multimedia town’’ as it is the leader in north America. Literally, there is one person on 4 that visit my bar who works in video games, movies or graphic design. Right now, you might have a hard time understanding the relation between Camerisse (my so call ‘’blueberries 2.0) and video game. My vision of tis relation is the innovation in everything we do. Even if our moto is ‘’Je me souviens’’, we always look forward.

To honor our culinary tradition
For my sirup, I went for a sugar that has been part of every dish my grand-ma was preparing me as a child. The molasse always been a part of the Quebec culinary since the 17th century. There is company, Grandma molasse, has been a prominent figure in Montreal even if this company has been created outside of Montreal in 1879. They move to Montreal one year later; the presence was so important and noticeable because of the smell that a whole neighborhood was name ‘’ Faubourg-à-M’lasse ‘’. The neighborhood changed since then, even before my time, however it still alive in the memory of the woman and man that raise me in that town.

I fat-wash this molasse syrup with bacon fat. Obviously, the bacon is not exclusively ours. However, the porc industry is huge here. At the time of the lumberjack, the workers in the north were eating very heavy food which we can eat once a year at the sugar shack ‘’la cabane à sucre’’. Pig farming was a business that was easy to manage even with the harsh weather and condition. Today, porc is among the most consumed meat and most produce in Canada.

To honror the river
Montreal is an Island surrounded by the St-Laurent River. An important maritime road in north-America that has played an important role in the early development of the country. It brings Montreal to be an important commercial point since hundred of years. To honor the river, I used sea salt extracted from the St-Laurent river by a company named ‘’les bergeronnes’’.

For my glass
I decide to use a traditional English tea cup that has been passed down to generation in my family. I have the feeling that it represents the English heritage of Montreal. Even if we are in a battle to keep the French as a main language here. English is predominant in town since this one is known to be very multicultural. People from all around the world take Montreal has a home for his open-minded culture. Everybody finds common ground by talking English.


Short drink


salin, fruité, sucré


tasse à thé victorien




– Feuille de menthe glacé au sirop d’érable
– Mousse de camerise et sirop d’érable


– Refroidir le verre avec de la glace
– Dans un shaker
– 1oz de Cointreau
– 1.5oz d’acerum
– 0.75 oz of camerisse juice infused with poivre des dunes
– 0.5 oz Molasse syrup fat wash with bacon fat
– 2 dash of Mint tincture
– 1 pinch of sea salt from St-Laurent River
– Shake
– Remove the ice from the glass and the residual water
– Rim the glass with the blend of sea salt and pine dust
– Double strain the cocktail
– Garnish the top with clarified camerisse juice and maple syrup foam
– Garnish with mint leaf coated with maple sirop


tasse sur souscoupe


  • Na



Taux d’alcool (ABV)

Brix de sucre

Ph / Acidité

Bar Bootlegger,

3481 St Laurent Blvd 2F, Montreal, Quebec H2X 2T6

Happy Hour 17h to 19h
Oyster for 1$
Cocktail promo
Beer for 5$
Monday 17h00–1h00
Tuesday 17h00–1h00
Wednesday 17h00–1h00
Thursday 17h00–1h00
Friday 17h00–3h00
Saturday 19h00–3h00
Sunday 19h00–1h00